Friday, November 30, 2018

Shrimp Journal 7 Baby explosion in the Blue Dreams tank

The blue dream tank is continuing to do amazing. I finally have everything set for how the shrimp like it. There has been a baby explosion. I have a handful of adults in there, lots of juvie sized shrimp that should be reaching breeding age soon, and I counted like 40 peewee and new borns. That's just what I can see without hitting the tank with a flashlight, looking into every nook and cranny, and what might be hiding in the sponges, behind rocks, and in the plant. I'm so happy with the way this tank is going.

The yellows tank is vexing me. I had like four clutches of babies hatch, but I only see a few peewees in there. There are about six juvies that look to be yellow instead of green this time around. I did a water change, the parameters look fine. I did find one with a cloudy body and isolated her into a floating breeder box. It doesn't look good though. 

One of the cobalt females is berried. I've moved a handful of juvie and peewees from the dream's tank in there. They aren't as active as I want to see but no deaths. Water params look good. 

I moved a male yellow into the orange rili tank. I can't justify the shipping for one or two shrimp just to order a male or two. One of the females is berried. I see a few babies from one of the shrimp that was berried when I got them. The babies look red. They were in a mixed skittles tank when I got them, so no telling what the male was. 

My reds tank is a disaster. I'm over run with small wiggling detritus worms living in the substrate. Honestly I'm thinking of tearing down the tank, ordering buffering substrate and making it another caridina tank. I moved most of the reds into the BB/Shadow tank with the cherries that were already in there. Two of the berried females and a male I put in a breeder box hanging on the dreams tank. I know the water in there is good for growing babies. I moved a pair of the white clouds out of the living room tank to spawn and see if they will eat the worms. If not, I'm scrapping it and starting over. 

Things are holding steady in the Aura/Jade tank. I have females with huge saddles, just waiting for them to molt. Some of the bigger aura females are turning a nice blue shade making me have big hopes for breeding bluer and bluer shrimp. The jades are the weirdest color changing shrimp ever. I've got three females now going orange. I don't know of the nice bright green I had going was from their food, or if the orange is from the food. I've been feeding algae wafers, dandelion and mulberry leaves. I got some shrimp pellets, and various samplers of different brands of shrimp food with all the shrimp I've gotten recently, and been feeding a variety, so I really don't know what it is, or if the shrimp are just that much of a color shifting shrimp. One or two are staying a beautiful green, so I'm kinda stumped. 

The last 10g I set up as a caridina tank is finally cycled and ready to go. I still really want ghost bees for that tank. I have a bunch of projects I want to try with them. Crossing them on the aura blues, and with the black tibees I got from Grant since ghost bees were part of the stock parents used to make them.

Speaking of the shrimp I got from Grant, that tank is doing fantastic. The shrimp are active, and always out moving around. They're molting and growing. I can see one little safari/fancy tiger looking shrimp. One that looks like it's going to be a zebra pattern, but it's still very small. The black tibees are so interesting looking. Some you can really see the tangerine tiger influence. They have tank/orange shading to their heads and tails. Some or going to look like crystal blacks, but with grey markings. Some have clear spots between the black and white stripe, and those are the ones I want to cross on the ghost bees.

I did a water change on the BB/Shadow tank, and now the caridinas are much more active. The TDS was just a little high for them at 165. I'm down to one shadow panda that I can see. I'm hoping one more is just hiding, but I have looked everywhere for it. The golden bee is still with us. I absolutely love the blue bolt mosuras. As much as I love the intense blue of the blue bolt extremes, I'm really digging the light powder blue of the standard blue bolts. I have one wild type neo thats berried in there. A couple of the cherries are berried and I've found a handful of baby cherries the other day. The caridinas are almost to size to start breeding.

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