Friday, January 25, 2019

Shrimp Journal- First baby Caridina shrimplets

I remember sending a pic of this shrimp to my sister when it was still little and wishing it would stay blue instead of turing black like black and white shrimp do. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Shrimp Journal- Shrimp room tanks updates with Video

 New post on the new blog!! We plan on starting doing homesteading stuff again on the homestead in the spring, chickens, garden, calves and such. I'll start updating that blog again, so I started one just for shrimp. Taddaa!! 

Did a little bit of tank maintenance today. Mostly pulling out some overgrown moss and throwing it in the new tanks. Pulled the sponges off the filter in the big tank in the living room and swapped them out with one of the new tanks. Took off the sponge pre-filter in the big tank and squeezed it out in the new tanks to help the beneficial bacteria get started colonizing the new sponge filters. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Shrimp Journal- Rearrange the Shrimp Room Day

Yesterday was rearrange the shrimp room day!!I had new tanks to set up, I wanted to move the Fluval to the north bench, one of the tanks on that bench to the west bench, the two five gallons to the bottom shelf on the rack. I had three new tanks to set up.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Shrimp Journal- Rescaped the 36g in the living room

All the tanks are full. I set up the 29 gallon I've had sitting under the bench about half full of water and put one of the new large sponge filters I got last week in it. It's got a bunch of duckweed and salvinia floating across the top. It's still under the bench, but I'll use to to grow out plant clippings and extra plants. I plan on putting some of the neo culls out in the living room tank in there just to help keep the tank clean.