Sunday, December 16, 2018

Shrimp Journal- Berried Orange Rili

Water change day today.

Back before I got the RO unit I was refilling distilled water bottles at the grocery store, and I still use them at home. Fill from my RO unit one gallon at a time, add in the remineralizer, and slow drip into the tanks. I got mine from GH and GH + KH.

I also dosed all the tanks with peroxide, and let them sit without the filters running for an hour. It always freaks me out thinking something is wrong when I see them darting around like maniacs. My jade/aura tank was the most active and the one that had me the most concerned. The H2O2 made them super active, but Mark said it would in his video. Then I found a fresh molt in thier tank. I've noticed my males and sometimes my females start doing the dance around the tank when someone molts. They also get the zoomies when I do a water change. So between the H2O2, water change, and the molt I don't expect them to settle down till tomorrow.

I also found this lovely last night. The orange rili really are my fav out of all the neos. I sure hope this one hangs onto her eggs.

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