Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Shrimp Journal- Shrimp room tanks updates with Video

 New post on the new blog!! We plan on starting doing homesteading stuff again on the homestead in the spring, chickens, garden, calves and such. I'll start updating that blog again, so I started one just for shrimp. Taddaa!! 

Did a little bit of tank maintenance today. Mostly pulling out some overgrown moss and throwing it in the new tanks. Pulled the sponges off the filter in the big tank in the living room and swapped them out with one of the new tanks. Took off the sponge pre-filter in the big tank and squeezed it out in the new tanks to help the beneficial bacteria get started colonizing the new sponge filters. 

I went out to the desert to get more lava rock for the new tanks. I love the stuff around here. It splits in rough retangle/square shapes naturally and has the best honeycomb like pattern. I have at least a small piece in all the tanks I currently have set up. I shouldn't have to collect rock for a while now. lol 

It has a very high iron content which makes it red. 

Last night I did a small vid on each tank with inhabitants. It took all night long with my potato Idaho internet to load to YouTube. 

Since moving shrimp around and doing lots of small water changes to get my GH back under controll I'm seeing a big increase in berried females. 

The first black tibee that was berried dropped her eggs with five days to go. Disappointing, but she was a first time berried female and that happens often, so I won't blame her. One of the other black tibees and the crystal red are still berried so things look good in that tank still. 

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