Friday, January 11, 2019

Shrimp Journal- Rescaped the 36g in the living room

All the tanks are full. I set up the 29 gallon I've had sitting under the bench about half full of water and put one of the new large sponge filters I got last week in it. It's got a bunch of duckweed and salvinia floating across the top. It's still under the bench, but I'll use to to grow out plant clippings and extra plants. I plan on putting some of the neo culls out in the living room tank in there just to help keep the tank clean.

The last five gallon tank I set up for caridina has one poor colored aura blue in there and I put in two little bitty baby ghost bees.

Eventually I need to move both the five gallon tanks to the bottom shelf of the rack, move one of the caridina tanks to the bench on the west wall, and the fluval six gallon of to the bench on the north wall. Then Scott can build another self for me over that bench for the three ten gallons that still need set up. Last night he ordered three lids, lights, buffered substrate and a new air pump that should be able to run the whole room for me. I can't wait for them to get here.

I rescaped the 36 gallon again. It just didn't make sense to have the lava rock cave on the right hand side of the tank, and plants to the left. The return for the HOB filter is on the left, and it just blows the plants down and rips them out of the gravel. I also didn't want to plant anything in front of the cave. Now the cave is under the the return and I can plant bunches over on the right side. I also put a large sponge in there to start cycling for one of the new tanks. This tank has tons of clear wild neo culls, and a few poor colored neo cull. There's a handful of amano and ghost shrimp in here too.

Wednesday I got in the last set of shrimp I ordered from Grant Eder. Black King Kongs from his shadow tank, and Black Fancy Tiger culls. Both sets have the genetics  behind them to throw some really nice shrimp. You can see a bit of blue edging on the white stripes of the BKK's. They're in with the BB Mosuras.

Tiger cull
Tiger cull
Tiger cull
Tiger cull
Black King Kong
Black King Kong
Black King Kong
Black King Kong

Black King Kong

Black King Kong

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